Do Tulku Rinpoche

Do Tulku Rinpoche

We are very happy to welcome Do Ringu Tulku Rinpoche to Karma Tashi Ling Buddhist Center for the first time! During his visit, he will teach over three days.

Friday October 6 – The Myths of Karma

On Friday, October 6, Do Tulku Rinpoche will present an open lecture on myths around Karma.  There are many notions and misunderstandings related to the concept of karma.  We often talk about "good karma" and "bad karma", but questions abound.  Do you wonder what karma means and whether we can free ourselves from it, or how karma arises and impacts our lives?

The teaching is for everyone, regardless of familiarity with Buddhism.  Teachings will be in English.

Time: From 18:00 - 20:00

Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 October – The Four Seals of Buddhism

The Four Seals, or the four basic principles, are the very core of Buddhism. Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche said that achieving a clear understanding of the Four Seals as the basis of your dharma training can help you feel good no matter what happens.  With this understanding, nothing can shake your inner well-being. Holding the four principles in heart and mind, and reflecting on them, connects us with the Buddha's teachings, regardless of whether we identify as Buddhist or not.

Over the weekend, Do Tulku Rinpoche will teach about the Four Seals and guide us to examine how they can have a fundamental influence in our lives and positively impact our daily experience.

Time: From 11:00 - 17:00

About Do Tulku Rinpoche:

Do Tulku Rinpoche was born in South India in 1985 and was recognized by H.H. Sakya Trizin as the 6th Raktrul Rinpoche at the age of 17. He completed eleven years of training in Buddhist philosophy, practice and concluded his studies in debate with the title of Acharya at the Dzongsar Khyentse Chokyi Lodro Institute.  Do Tulku Rinpoche worked as a translator in the 84000 Project, currently he works as a Himalayan Expert Scholar for the Khyentse Vision Project. He is appreciated for his learned, interactive and often unconventional and humorous way of teaching Buddhist teachings.

Read more and register HERE.