Ringu Tulku Rinpoche har besøkt oss  mange ganger helt siden 1990-tallet og har mange elever i Norge. Under sitt besøk 11.-13. august ga han undervisning over tre dager. Fredag 11. august ga han en innføring i buddhistisk tenkemåte og filosofi. Lørdag 12. og søndag 13. august underviste Ringu Tulku Rinpoche i A Shower of Blessings - A Guru Yoga Practice to Accompany the Seven-Line Prayer av Mipham Rinpoche. På søndag ga han også en empowerment på Padmasambhava. I lunsjpausen holdt Ada Raknes yogasesjoner. Vi takker alle som deltok for en veldig hyggelig helg på tempelet! Her kan du se flere bilder og lese Lama Changchubs takketale. Photos: Flemming Skahjem-Eriksen

Rinpoche has visited us many times since the 1990's and has many students in Norway. During this year's visit, he taught over three days. On Friday 11 August, he gave an introduction to Buddhist thinking and philosophy. Saturday 12 and Sunday 13. August he taught on A Shower of blessings - A Guru Yoga Practice to Accompany the Seven-Line Prayer by Mipham Rinpoche. On Sunday he also gave an empowerment on Padmasambhava. We thank all the participants for a very nice weekend at the temple. In the break, lunch was served and Ada Raknes held yoga-sessions. Here you can see photos and read Lama Changchub's thank you speech. Photos: Flemming Skahjem-Eriksen




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Respected Venerable Ringu Tulku Rinpoche,

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to you for graciously accepting our invitation and once again gracing Norway with your presence. Your willingness to share your profound knowledge of Buddha Dharma has enriched our lives and deepened our understanding of these sacred teachings.

We are truly grateful for the enlightening teachings you delivered during the public teaching on Friday, centered around the heart of Buddhism. Your insights have shed light on the essence of these teachings, guiding us on the path to wisdom and compassion.

The weekend teachings on Guru Yoga Sadhana of the Guru Rinpoche based on his renowned seven-line prayer and the initiation of Guru Padmasambhava, were truly transformative. Your transmission of these practices will undoubtedly pave the way for our spiritual growth and development. 

Reflecting on your teachings, Rinpoche, we understand the profound importance of individual contribution to building a harmonious Buddhist community. Rather than becoming antithetical factors, we recognize the significance of each of us being a positive force, working together towards shared goals. Just as individual drops come together to form a mighty river, our collective efforts can shape a vibrant and harmonious sangha.

Therefore, individually becoming a catalyst for building a harmonious Buddhist community is vital, as it aligns with the core teachings of compassion, unity, and interconnectedness. Each practitioner's positive contribution enhances the collective journey towards enlightenment, fostering an environment of growth and understanding. Conversely, adopting an antithetical role can disrupt this progress, hindering the community's shared pursuit of spiritual awakening and peaceful coexistence.

We would also like to extend our sincere thanks to all the participants of this course, who came together with open hearts and minds to absorb the profound teachings. Your collective energy and enthusiasm created a conducive atmosphere for learning and inner reflection.

Our deep appreciation also goes to the dedicated volunteers who worked tirelessly to ensure the smooth execution of the event. Your efforts behind the scenes have not gone unnoticed and have contributed to the overall success of this precious gathering.

A special mention of gratitude goes to Jannicke Troe, our wonderful cook, during this course, whose delicious meals nourished both our bodies and spirits throughout the course. Your culinary creations added a touch of warmth and comfort to the entire experience.

Last but not least, we wish to express our heartfelt thanks to Ole Henning Sommerfelt, the course manager, whose skillful coordination and management ensured that every aspect of the event ran seamlessly. Your dedication and commitment are truly commendable.

Once again, Rinpoche, we offer our deepest gratitude for your teachings, your presence, and the wisdom you shared with us. May your teachings continue to illuminate our paths as we walk this journey of spiritual awakening.

With profound respect and gratitude. Thank you.

Lama Changhub Tsering

on behalf of KTLBS.